Author Archives: Sean

Mile 0 and Mile 4860

The one thing that struck me at Mile 0 aside from the stupefying amount of kilometres in front of us we had to drive was the Terry Fox memorial. Here was a young man, a kid really, who was going … Continue reading

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New BC Ferries Vessel Impresses

On the way back to the Lower Mainland, Dave and I got the opportunity to sail one of the new Super-C ferries, the Coastal Renaissance. We were pretty impressed. Here are just some the things we liked: high-ceiling car decks … Continue reading

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You’ll Never Guess Who We Met…

OK, so we didn’t actually meet them. But they were following us, I swear! We finally ditched them when we stopped at Cathedral Grove. Funny, I didn’t know they traveled this far from Florida… Hit the read more link to … Continue reading

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Don’t Drink the Water!

While at the Last Spike historic site near Revelstoke, I noticed this sign on the side of one of the buildings. Perhaps the source is a radioactive stream or something. Upsides? You’ll get superpowers! Downsides? You’ll join the local zombie … Continue reading

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Thank the Gods for Tripods

All I can add to Dave’s post about entering Alberta is how it was a true Seinfeld-ian moment. I mean, who just takes off after you do a favour for them that implicitly implies that they do the same? Seriously, … Continue reading

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Banff is Truly Awesome

No need for words to describe this…

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One of my highlights of the Tyrell Museum was seeing the Stegosaurus, one of all my all-time favorite dinosaurs.  Not only does it have massive armor plating, it has a spiky tail! I’m kind of disappointed I didn’t see any … Continue reading

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Silos and ‘Rider Pride

It’s funny, while at the Corner Gas set in Saskatchewan, I saw two things that represent the province so well. First was the “Dog River” grain silo, defiantly rising in the flat Prairie landscape. Then, when we headed over to … Continue reading

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Time Keeps on Sliping, Sliping into the Future

Dave and I have been holding up remarkably well mentally considering the long 10-hour driving days so far. The endless road sometimes gets mind-numbing, but usually a Red Bull solves that problem real quick, and then some. 🙂 One thing, … Continue reading

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That’s No Moon, It’s a Death Star!

Well, that Moon in the picture could be a Death Star (look in the center of the sky for a faint white spot). If it is, well then, we’re all doomed. But the point of the post is that things … Continue reading

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