Category Archives: Ontario

Manitoba was a blur, Landed in Ontario

Wow, what a day, we wanted to put some miles behind us, I think we succeeded. Traveled about 935KM today and stopped in Dryden Ontario. That’s almost two time zones and two Provinces for those that are paying attention. The … Continue reading

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Time Keeps on Sliping, Sliping into the Future

Dave and I have been holding up remarkably well mentally considering the long 10-hour driving days so far. The endless road sometimes gets mind-numbing, but usually a Red Bull solves that problem real quick, and then some. 🙂 One thing, … Continue reading

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Terry Fox Memorial Outside Thunder Bay

Just outside Thunder Bay, Ontario, the memorial for Terry Stands tall. We started this trip honoring the young man that decided to raise awareness and money for the disease that took his leg and his life. He ran a full … Continue reading

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Made our own sunshine, for a little while at least.

Most of the yesterday was dry and the sun decided to poke out a few times. After a nice campfire beside Lake Superior, we retired for the tent and back of the truck to get some sleep at 1am, just … Continue reading

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Moving fast again

After the rainy night, a soaked tent and a damp morning we decided to have another long driving day. We wanted to get close to Ottawa so we would spend a day just touring the city and some sights. We … Continue reading

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That’s No Moon, It’s a Death Star!

Well, that Moon in the picture could be a Death Star (look in the center of the sky for a faint white spot). If it is, well then, we’re all doomed. But the point of the post is that things … Continue reading

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Ottawa: Did you know the Parliament Buildings are right in the downtown core, parking is mainly underground and depending on the parking garage the maximum height is somewhere between 6’2” and 6’6”? I didn’t and the truck needs at least … Continue reading

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That’s a Beauty!

Alright, he probably really isn’t interested much in politics, but even Don Cherry would be taken aback by the grandeur of Parliament Hill. While the the exterior of the buildings are certainly a sight to see, the interior is where … Continue reading

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Technology Failure

Visited the Museum of Civilization this morning. All I can really say is wow… if you’re in Ottawa this is a must see. The museum is very large and a has a lot to offer. Expect to spend at least … Continue reading

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Haida Collection Highlight of Museum

Like Dave says, going through the Museum of Civilization is an exhausting experience. There is just so much to see and read (and hear) after awhile your brain starts turning off. So it’s no surprise we spent out most time … Continue reading

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