Category Archives: Alberta

Your are now entering Alberta

Crossed into Alberta, when we came across the Welcome to Alberta sign, there were three cyclists the they were having some troubles taking their picture with their camera propped on on rock so I kindly offered to take their picture. … Continue reading

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Thank the Gods for Tripods

All I can add to Dave’s post about entering Alberta is how it was a true Seinfeld-ian moment. I mean, who just takes off after you do a favour for them that implicitly implies that they do the same? Seriously, … Continue reading

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Banff is Truly Awesome

No need for words to describe this…

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Drumheller, Alberta

Wednesday July 9th 2008, So far the highlight of the trip has the been the Royal Tyrell Museum. The learning experience, the private campground, the lightning storm that is happening right now outside is amazing. Decided to come in under … Continue reading

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One of my highlights of the Tyrell Museum was seeing the Stegosaurus, one of all my all-time favorite dinosaurs.  Not only does it have massive armor plating, it has a spiky tail! I’m kind of disappointed I didn’t see any … Continue reading

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